The college organized spring fire escape evacuation drill activities

Publisher: AdministratorRelease time: 2024-04-10

homenet(Security Department correspondent Xu Shuo)为深入贯彻落实习近平总书记关于安全生产重要论述,切实增强消防安全意识,进一步提升师生自救互救和应急处置能力,实现欧洲杯投注官网app高质量发展和高水平安全的良性互动,410On the afternoon of Sunday, the college organized a spring fire escape evacuation drill。College Party committee deputy secretary, president Sheng Peng,Hu Kun, member of the Party Committee and director of the Infrastructure Department,Hefei City new station high-tech fire rescue brigade Xinhai rescue station head Liu Shaosong,Responsible person of Security Department, Logistics Management Department, Party Committee Propaganda Department, Modern Business College, Art and Creative College and other relevant departments,Emergency support personnel, second-level college counselor representative,Firefighters, campus security team, volunteer firefighters and student representatives800Others participate in activities。The exercise activity is presided over by the person in charge of the security Department。

pre-exercise,Sheng Peng made a mobilization speech from three aspects: the importance of doing a good job of fire safety, the current situation of fire safety, and the practice and effect of fire safety education and training,At the same time put forward three requirements: first, to overcome the paralytic thought,Enhance safety responsibility awareness,Fully aware of the importance and necessity of fire safety work;Second, consolidate the achievements of the exercises,Improve self-rescue, mutual rescue and emergency response capabilities;Third, do a review of the summary,Improve the work plan,Improve the collaboration and linkage function,Create a safe, stable, civilized and harmonious campus environment。Hefei New station high-tech fire rescue brigade Xinhai rescue station monitor Wang Jixiang explained in detail火灾Evacuation and escape process and drill precautions。

Hu Kun announced the academy2024The spring fire escape evacuation drill began。The drill takes the fire on the sixth floor of Shaohua South Building of student apartment as the preset fire situation,After the cigarette cake is lit,The fire alarm equipment in the building sends an alarm signal,The duty officer of the fire control room immediately reports the fire to the security department after receiving the alarm,The head of the security department received the report,Declare the fire emergency plan to be activated immediately,Organize the evacuation of teachers and students to safe places,At the same time report to the hospital leader,Set up a field command to direct rescue work。

Fire rescue personnel quickly rushed to the scene, organized evacuation and used fire rescue ladder to rescue trapped teachers and students, and disposed of the initial火灾。The first aid force of the school hospital also quickly arrived to rescue。While all the teachers and students were evacuated and transferred, the emergency support personnel and fire rescue personnel of the college worked together and fought cooperatively, using the fire fighting system and fire fighting equipment in the building to extinguish the fire and successfully resolve the problem火灾

After the exercise, Wang Jixiang made a detailed comment on the exercise, carefully analyzed and summarized the problems and shortcomings in the exercise process, and put forward the corresponding solutions。

In this exercise, all the participants were calm, efficient and rigorous, and the exercise process was orderly, which further improved the self-rescue and mutual rescue ability of all teachers and students and the emergency response ability。

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